Ad astra per alas porci.
- Ad astra per alas porci. …To the stars on the wings of a pig.

Many thought we couldn't do it. But here we are, doing the seemingly impossible. We roll out of bed inspired to deliver solutions driven by "What if?". You'll change how you look at what most sell off their shelves as solutions to your needs. Climb up with us and enjoy the ride. We'll take you places others think you can't go.

Why Brilliant?

One thought permeated our minds. Everything we do needs to invoke a sense of brilliance. Every piece of our solution must contribute a bit of genius and forethought to deliver more than you expect today and leave you pleasantly surprised by its value in the future. Isn't that what you'd expect from those that have been doing this for years?

We live in the gap - straddling the fence of us, the provider, and you, the customer, driven by one question. Is this as good as it should be? Anything less is just not worth doing.

Altitude Statements

1. If it's not brilliant, we don't sell it
2. If you're not excited about the solution, 
neither are we
3. If something doesn't look or feel right, 
it's not.

4. If we're not proud of our work, 
you won't be either
5. If we don't love what we do, we shouldn't be doing it.

Bradley T DePasse

Chief Executive Officer

BYOD Video Conferencing - Digital Signage - Active Learning - High Fidelity Audio and Video

Already Trusted By These Smart Customers